About Me

I currently live in Munich, Germany. Previously, I've lived in Portland (OR), Amsterdam (NL), Brussels (BE), Madrid (ES), Sheffield (UK) and Sevilla (ES).

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Objective/ Objetivo de 'Taller de Abalorios'

A dia de hoy no tengo claro el objetivo; espero que se vaya definiendo a si mismo poco a poco atraves de los diferentes posts... ni siquiera tengo claro si lo voy a escribir en espaƱol o en ingles.

Creo que intentare hacerlo bilingue para que mis amigas locales o "no espaƱolas" tambien puedan seguir algunas cosillas. Ademas, al haberme iniciado en EEUU, hay muchos terminos que no se como traducir exactamente. Tampoco tengo idea alguna de como de facil o dificil es encontrar todos los utensilios necesarios en Europa asi que supongo que vosotros me lo tendreis que decir...

En cualquier caso, a todas vosotras que estais leyendo, bienvenidas al blog y espero que lo disfruteis y encontreis ideas que inspiren vuestra creatividad!!

Now in English :)

To start, the name of the Blog is 'Taller de Abalorios' which translates to 'Jewelry making workshop' or something like that.

Currently I do not have a fully defined idea of this blog's objective; I hope it will define itself through the different posts... I haven't even decided if I'll write it in Spanish or English!!

I think I'll try to keep it bilingual so the non Spanish speakers can also follow if interested :). Moreover, since I've started with the jewelry making here, in the US, there are a lot of words that I find hard to translate into Spanish. Note that I'm familiar with the shops and ease/difficulty of finding tools/beads in the US but not in Europe. You - all my friends in Europe - will have to let me know how it works for you.

Anyways, to all of you... Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy it! :)