About Me

I currently live in Munich, Germany. Previously, I've lived in Portland (OR), Amsterdam (NL), Brussels (BE), Madrid (ES), Sheffield (UK) and Sevilla (ES).

Friday, January 14, 2011

Something different: Painting with Acrylics

With the New Year, I've started a new crafting skill... Painting!!!

To be honest, I've never been very skilled at drawing and, well, I'm not very patient when I start something new; I like to see acceptable results fast! With this being said, this holiday's period, while waiting in CDG airport for a connecting flight, I discovered a promising magazine called "Mon Atelier Creatif" (what I got is the French edition but I think the original is a German edition which I don't speak - too bad!) with step by step explanations on how to paint a few different designs using acrylics. The designs were nice and the techniques looked easy enough so I got the magazine and decided to give it a try.

A couple of weeks later and, after a visit to a couple of Art's stores, these are my first two paintings in acrylic (both of them following models from the French magazine):